Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's About Time

Well, after months of avoiding this, I decided it was time to add an update to my page. Not a lot happens here at our humble abode so we travel to see our kids and grandkids when we can. Lately we have decided that we needed to repair our greenhouse as it was starting to fall apart. As we got into the job we found that the baseboard on the foundation had rotted completely out so the only option is to tear the whole thing down. Sad, like loosing a good friend.



Hi Greer Family!

How sad you have to take your green house down! I understand your sadness... I did grow up with a dad that throws nothing away and would probably re-use the lumber;)

You have always had such a beautiful yard, maybe this will make more room for some tree's!!

Love, Leanna

Dawna Greer said...

Hi Leanna! Good to hear from you! You're right about your dad recycling and not wasting anything. . .and he certainly would plant more trees! I think I'll try for a greenhouse from a kit instead!

Tina McKinnon said...

This kind of change IS hard... good to see your posts!