Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Smoldering Myeloma

Yesterday Frank went for F/U with the doctor in Mesa and he said the same thing as before, that the cancer is still smoldering (i.e. in the bone marrow, not in the blood) and at stage 1 so they won't start any treatment until it has become active. The new blood tests he had done looked good. He will have to have blood work every month to monitor things and at the point that things change, they will determine what to do. The genetic profile that they will use to see whether he has an aggressive kind still hadn't come in yet so we don't know those results but based on everything else, we are confident that it is a very slow growing kind (there are 7 different kinds of myeloma!). The doctor said that Frank has probably had this for a number of years.

We stayed overnight and returned from Mesa today after dropping Kandra and Gavin off at the airport. He was a little sick, must have picked it up from Kristal's two little girls who we took to the ER Sunday night because of continued high fevers (105+) and coughs. Thankfully they are feeling a lot better and she will leave with them to go to St George in the morning to visit the other grandparents a few days before going to SLC. It has been fun having them all here for a chance to visit and have fun together. BTW, in case you hadn't noticed, the wallpaper on my blog has been changed, with thanks to Kristal.

Tomorrow Frank will go to Show Low for a Cardiolyte Stress Test to determine how his heart is holding up. In March he will start the process for Cataract surgery on both eyes. Always something with him.


Unknown said...

We pray our Heavenly Fathers Blessings are upon Frank and your Family, Cancer is a Terrible thing but through this trial it may bless your lives to bring you closer together than ever before. We Hope for the best for you and Frank and your burdens be light.
oxox Baileys

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

With all of the problems that dad has had we should be the closest family of all time...haha. If anyone will make it out without a scratch, it will be dad.
It was great being able to come out to visit! We always enjoy going home and spending time with family.
We love you guys!

Paula said...

Hi Greers,
I guess this news is a lot better than it could have been. I still remember the night my dad called me at college and told me about Frank's cancer. I cried for days. I'm so thankful we still have him with us. Your family has been a huge part of my life as long as I can remember. We are so blessed to have you as friends and neighbors. (especially at cook out time). You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Living Lavallee said...

Cataract surgery isn't so bad, I think. Dean had a procedure done in 2006 where they inserted contact lenses in his eyes, leaving his own lenses (I believe with cataract surgery they remove the lenses). The recovery was very quick (I think he went to work the next day). He wasn't a candidate for lasik (corneas were bad), and has had 20/15 vision since.

Anonymous said...


great forum lots of lovely people just what i need

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read and then a lot to wright

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey, I am new to these parts. Thought I'd make an introduction.

see you around and Thanks (sorry if the wrong thread to post this)